The healing mineral water made from Karlovy Vary spring salt is a natural mineral supplement used in Europe since 1764.
B12-Active will give your nervous system a better edge in producing essential elements. This is a fine product for those who want to get higher clarity or increased skin comfort.
The broad-spectrum combination of enzymes in Complete Enzymes supports the breakdown, absorption, and utilization of macronutrients from a wide spectrum of foods, including proteins and protein peptides, complex carbohydrates, disaccharides and sugars, lipids/fats, and vegetable fibers.
Olive Leaf Extract has been used as a cure-all for thousands of years. Its active component, a phenolic compound known as oleuropein, is being recognized as a effective and completely safe all-natural healer.
Can we naturally increase pancreatic function and relieve many digestive and metabolic disorders by using healthy foods? Pancreas is a core for digestion. This book is the practical guide to healing liver, gallbladder and pancreatic disorders, IBS, GERD, metabolic syndrome, overweight, diabetes, allergy, Candida, acidity by healing foods. What to eat is as effective as when to eat and how to eat.
The pancreas is a vital, mysterious organ in the human body. Millions people suffer from various digestive disorders and almost all of them have poor pancreatic function. Authors explain the connections between pancreas and dyspepsia, IBS, SOD, GERD, stones, pancreatitis, Candida, SIBO, acidosis, alcoholism. It can help focus on healing of digestive (pancreatic) diseases in their early stages.
This book is for patients and medical providers, to explain nondrug treatments of the digestive (pancreatic) and metabolic disorders. There is no proper digestion without proper pancreatic function. Healing mineral water, acupuncture, herbs, supplements, enzymes, probiotics, and even abdominal massage, exercises, and hypnosis can be extremely useful for pancreas and the whole health.
Trenev Trio contains three “super strains” of beneficial probiotic intestinal bacteria.
A high potency formula for intestinal defense against parasites, fungal overgrowth, bacterial overgrowth.
Super Alpha Lipoic Acid is a multifunctional, versatile nutrient that plays a key role in the antioxidant network and the metabolic process.