Can we naturally increase pancreatic function and relieve many digestive and metabolic disorders by using healthy foods? Pancreas is a core for digestion. This book is the practical guide to healing liver, gallbladder and pancreatic disorders, IBS, GERD, metabolic syndrome, overweight, diabetes, allergy, Candida, acidity by healing foods. What to eat is as effective as when to eat and how to eat.
The pancreas is a vital, mysterious organ in the human body. Millions people suffer from various digestive disorders and almost all of them have poor pancreatic function. Authors explain the connections between pancreas and dyspepsia, IBS, SOD, GERD, stones, pancreatitis, Candida, SIBO, acidosis, alcoholism. It can help focus on healing of digestive (pancreatic) diseases in their early stages.
This book is for patients and medical providers, to explain nondrug treatments of the digestive (pancreatic) and metabolic disorders. There is no proper digestion without proper pancreatic function. Healing mineral water, acupuncture, herbs, supplements, enzymes, probiotics, and even abdominal massage, exercises, and hypnosis can be extremely useful for pancreas and the whole health.
A comprehensive holistic book “Natural Health Before and After Gallbladder Removal” written by Peter Melamed. Ph.D. This is a unique guide with 500 pages and hundreds of references to restore natural health in case of biliary dyskinesia, gallstones, Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction and to reduce the need for gallbladder surgery. The author shares with the readers his decades of medical experience as an MD in USSR and 23 years of working as a holistic practitioner of the Biotherapy Alternative Medicine Clinic of San Francisco.